Small Business Owners Using Visualization to Stay Motivated

This is an excerpt from Perfect Phrases For Managing Your Small Business, which is available in book stores and at amazon. Please click the picture for more information.

It happens to every small business owner. You get tired. Your motivation flags. You feel like you’ll never succeed, or dig out from the latest “catastrophe”. What sets apart successful entrepreneurs from those that go under is an ability to keep the “eye on the prize” to work through tough times.

Here are some tips, using visualization as a basis for re-energizing your motivation around running your small business.

Part of motivation and the ability to keep going even when times are tough is to visualize success and the achievement of your business and personal goals. The better you are at imagining success in all its vivid details, the more you can use that “future state” to motivate you in the present.

Of course, your success visualizations should be at least somewhat realistic since they should be achievable. Fantasies that are unattainable are not powerful motivators.

  • I can see my business report showing $100,000 in net earnings and feeling like a success.
  • I can picture paying cash for my late model car and enjoying my first long-distance drive with the top down, knowing I’ve earned the car and the vacation.
  • I can feel how proud I will be to give my two employees
    well-deserved, year-end bonuses, and I can feel their pleasure.
  • I feel honored as the audience stands up and claps for me as I receive my Entrepreneur-of-the-Year award.
  • I picture myself signing copies of my book in stores and being pleased to see the many people patiently lined up to meet me.
  • I can smell the freshness of the coffee in my cup as I make my way from my kitchen to my home office. I am ready to settle in for a few hours of work as I notice the family cat
  • jumping on the office sofa settling in for a nap. “Not a bad idea,” I think.“ Maybe I’ll stretch out, too, later.”
  • I picture myself captivating an audience and feeling confident that I can help each individual sitting in front of me attain success.
  • I am sitting in my home office feeling proud of the day’s progress, and I notice the beautiful weather. I am accountable to no one as I decide to take a bike ride for an hour or so. Such freedom!
  • I am excited to realize that my business is so successful that I need to hire an assistant to organize my business appointments and speaking engagements.
  • I can feel the confidence that I have upon meeting a prospective client. My handshake feels firm. I see respect when we make eye contact. I know we will do business together when the client says,“I’ve heard a lot of good things about you.”
  • I allow myself to feel motivated to finish a long and arduous task by feeling the euphoria I will experience upon its completion.

Posted in From Perfect Phrases For Managing Your Small BusinessSmall Business — The Mental Game

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