Dealing WIth A Disappointing Performance Evaluation (KINDLE)


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BEFORE you have your performance review, prepare for a possibly less than perfect appraisal. Get in the right mental place so you can be a constructive and non-defensive partner.



Imagine the scenario: You walk into your annual performance review, expecting to be rated highly, and guess what? You receive less favorable comments and evaluations than you thought. Or worse, your manager’s opinion of your work is MUCH less positive than yours.

It’s like getting kicked in the gut. You didn’t expect it. It’s a surprise. You’re angry, confused. And when you’re angry and confused, you are much more likely to do and say things that can have a long term negative effect on your career. It really can be a crossroads for your career.

Be Prepared For A Negative Review

Disappointing reviews can happen to anyone, so it’s best to be prepared just in case. In this LearnBytes help card, you will learn:

What to do IN the actual meeting, including:

  • How to maintain self-control so you don’t say the wrong things
  • How to clarify and get the information you need to evaluate where you are “at” in the company
  • How to keep a positive mental attitude, and keep the comments “in context” (avoid over-reacting)

You’ll also learn what you need to accomplish by the end of the meeting, and what you can do and say to wrap up the meeting so you have the information you need.

You’ll also learn what to do after the meeting:

  • How to follow up
  • Your options if you choose to dispute the evaluation (and the risks)

…and more.

Learnbytes are designed to be short so you can use them when you need them (just in time help). Consult this one before any discussions about your performance. After all, it’s your career at stake. How you respond to disappointing evaluations and comments during the review will have either a positive or negative impact on your future.

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