Category: Management/Leadership

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Toxic Organizations Cause Conflict — The Remedy Is Leadership

Welcome to the fire of an unhealthy workplace. Leadership may be the cure Summary: Some organizations have climates that are unhealthy for those that work in them. We call these organizations toxic organizations. Within toxic organizations conflict thrives like weeds….

Cost Free Ways For Small Business To Compete With The “Big Boys”

It’s often the case that small businesses exist in a market that includes at least one, and often many other LARGE businesses or chains. On the surface of it, it would seem that the small business is in competition with…

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If You Think You “Understand” Millennials, It’s Time To Evaluate Your OWN Thinking

Oddly enough, the Millennial Generation, also referred to as Gen-Y, is not so well defined, even when it comes to the boundaries for who fits and who doesn’t. One common range runs from 1980–2000 although some people use a narrower…

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Before You Bring In A Motivational Speaker, Heed These Warnings

The training and motivational speaker industry is a strange one where, in some cases, huge amounts of money are paid for minimal amounts of time and zero results. For more on organizational learning, motivational speakers and training visit The Training…

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Coronavirus Creates Pandemic of Blame: Difference Between Blame And Holding Accountable

Coronavirus isn’t the only pandemic going on. While we live in a society that seeks out people to blame for our problems either personal, corporate or societal, I can’t recall a time where it’s impossible to go even a few…

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Here’s How To Make Employee Evaluations Valuable

Small shifts in mindset about managing performance and doing appraisals is all it takes. Despite exhortations to abolish performance appraisals by experts, bloggers, and luminaries such as Edward Deming, and Coens & Jenkins, they are alive, if not well. They…