Tag: small business

What You Need To Know About Using WordPress For Your Small Business

It’s A Trade off For Small Businesses Using WordPress When I search online for a service, menu or product, I often end up on WordPress sites that literally make me cringe. Many of them consist of one or two pages,…

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Social Media Not Enough: Reasons Your Business Needs A Website Part 3

(Third in a series on why small businesses should not rely on social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook. The first in the series is available here.) The second in the series can be found here. #16 Customizable Multiple E-mail…

Small Business Owners Using Visualization to Stay Motivated

This is an excerpt from Perfect Phrases For Managing Your Small Business, which is available in book stores and at amazon. Please click the picture for more information. It happens to every small business owner. You get tired. Your motivation…

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For Small Businesses It Can’t All Be About The Benjamins —Passion Counts

There are a lot of people who start their businesses because they believe their ideas are fabulous and unique, and they also believe that the operation of a small business is going to make them rich. Often they believe riches…

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Small Business Advantages: Beating The Giants – Partnering

Partnering: A Business Advantage For The Davids vs. The Goliaths Consistent with the philosophy that small businesses can compete with large businesses if they focus on what they can do that the large corporations can’t, we look at how small…

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The Small Business Advantage: Applying The Principles Of Small Ball To Your Small Business

There are a number of things large companies can do that small companies have trouble replicating, due to economies of scale, and available resources. What small business CAN do is all the little things that capitalize on the shorter “distances” between…