Category: Social Media & Internet

cobweb, spider web, dew

Social Media Not Enough: Eight More Reasons Your Business Needs A Website

(Second in a series on why small businesses should not rely on social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook.) The first in the series is available here.) #8 Your Profile/About Page On social media your profile is the main way…

cobweb, spider web, dew

Social Media Not Enough For Small Business: You Need A Website

20 Reasons You Need A Website For Your Business: Social Media Presence Is NOT Enough These days most small businesses jump into the social media space — primarily on Facebook, LinkedIn, Bebee and other similar platforms. They lose out on…

orange and yellow abstract painting

“Customer Wars”: Worst Show On Television Is Harmful

“Customer Wars” is a reality TV series that purports to document heated conflicts between customers and service workers across various industries. While the show aims to provide entertainment through dramatic confrontations, it ultimately presents a problematic and potentially harmful portrayal…

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A Typical Day — Why Technology is Worsening Both Customer Service and Customer Experience

In my short article entitled Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies? I put forth a number of reasons why technology is making customer service and customer experience worse. Here’s a typical 24 hour day — my day, in fact….

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Are You Screwing Up Your Online Comments & Damaging Your Business?

Case study/examples on what’s wrong with the your “best practices” Below are examples of an “internet savvy” marketer who makes all the mistakes you can make when commenting on LinkedIn. I bet you make them too. Explanations follow. LinkedIn is…

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The Three Boorish Buckets Of Social Media Comments — Are You A Social Media Boor?

Feedback To Dumb As Rocks People We’re all familiar with the boorish communicators that often frequent cocktail parties or networking events. Blessed with apparent gregariousness coupled with a complete disregard for the interests and concerns of the people they talk…