Performance Planning For Managers – LearnBytes Helpcard (PDF DOWNLOAD)


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Performance planning is the foundation of any performance management system because, unlike the review process, it looks FORWARDS, not backwards, and involves organizing and planning employee work.



Most people think that performance appraisal is the important part of managing performance and improving workplace productivity, but it’s not. Setting clear goals, and helping employees understand why those goals are important is the path to engaged employees, and more focused work and effort. Performance planing is the process to use, and we’ve mapped it out in a clear way so managers can do it properly.

The first step for building better employee performance, reducing the pain of appraisals, and reducing your workload

“Most managers can supercharge employee performance by PROPERLY using performance management techniques, but the problem is, they don’t know how.” Do you?

Between 90-95% of managers lose the benefits of appraisals while creating discomfort for themselves and staff.

It’s true! Very few managers take advantage of the power of performance management to explode performance and create a powerful, committed and engaged workforce.

How is that possible?

The answer is simple and insidious. Almost all managers learn how to do performance appraisals by doing to their own employees what their previous bosses did to them. And, it doesn’t work. In fact it makes things worse.

We live in the new millennium and your Dad’s performance appraisals do not reflect the realities of today’s workplace. You cannot do it the “old” way and expect to harness the power of performance management and appraisals!

The good news is…

…you can learn to use appraisals and performance management techniques to:

  • increase performance significantly
  • create a workforce that is self-monitoring and self-correcting, meaning less time you have to spend micromanaging.
  • reduce mistakes and errors.
  • improve employee engagement, shown to be the key to high performance organizations.

The even better news is that…

…you can learn how to do appraisals and performance management quickly and easily, and you don’t even have to read book after book on the subject. We’ve brought it all together for you, so you can START NOW.

Start Now – Planning for performance may be the most valuable use of management time.
Most people equate performance management with performance appraisal, that once a year meeting that everyone hates. That’s the major reason why appraisals are so ineffective. In fact we suggest that managers spend as much or more time planning for performance than appraising it, because the returns are much greater. Proper planning results in:

  • Less need to micro manage, hence, more time.
  • Greater employee commitment and engagement.
  • Increased ease and comfort around performance appraisals.
  • Better coordination between company, department and individual achievements, and therefore better company performance.

Performance Planning For Managers provides you with all the information and understanding you will need to complete this critical step of performance management, and achieve the benefits.

We’ve taken the most important material from Robert Bacal’s best-selling books on performance planning and boiled them down for busy people like you.

It provides all the information you need to work with your employees to plan performance in advance, and set clear, measurable (usually) goals and objectives that the employee can use to guide his or her performance throughout the year. Further these goals and objectives are used as the reference points for performance review. Included on the card:

  • What Is Performance Planning?
  • Purposes and Benefits
  • By The End of Performance Planning
  • Getting It Done Right (including preparing for and conducting the performance planning meeting)
  • Process Tips

Yes, there’s a catch

Setting goals is the first step to gain the benefits from managing performance, but there is a catch.

You MUST START doing it. If you haven’t worked with employees to set goals early on, by the time you get to the appraisal process/meetings, it’s too late. That’s why it’s SO important to get going now. This is truly a case of investing, where the results will start showing up even before you do the appraisals. Provided you start now! And provided you do it properly.

You owe it to yourself and your employees to use all the tools at your disposal to create a productive, engaging workplace. So, begin now. Get your copy of Performance Planning For Managers. Invest in it and you’ll be amazed at how people work harder, better, and more efficiently, and that means less time spent fighting fires.

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