Defusing Hostile Customers Techniques (PDF DOWNLOAD)


A quick read job aid to remind you of the various defusing hostile customers techniques described in our customer service books.



Suggested by one of our Defusing Hostile Customers clients, this LearnBytes Helpcard summarizes a number of defusing skills we have taught people for over two decades. If you buy from this page, you’ll be buying the printed and laminated version which you will receive in the mail.

Learn To Deal More Effectively With Difficult, Hostile, and Manipulative People At Work & Home

The Point: We know that civility and reasonableness seem to be less and less common in our society, as people become impatient, and prone to unpleasant or hostile words and deeds. Written by communication expert an author Robert Bacal, Defusing Hostility Helpcard is based on our customer service seminar of the same name. It includes an overview of the principles of defusing hostility and dealing with verbal abuse PLUS a number of verbal techniques and self-control methods. While this card is slanted towards dealing with hostile customers, you will find most of the tactics can be used in any difficult situation.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Basic defusing hostility principles.
  • Self control methods and issues
  • Encouraging calmness & cooperation.
  • Techniques for control/verbal self-defense.
  • Twelve other techniques useful when dealing with hostile customers.

Usage: This card is useful for individuals who have a good deal of hostility directed at them, since it teaches some important defusing hostility techniques. It can also be used as a reminder, kept by workstations, to help employees remember defusing techniques. Some of our seminar customers have purchased this card to reinforce the seminar outcomes.

What’s a LearnByte Helpcard?

Helpcards are designed for people who would rather learn without reading long books. Each card contains clear practical information, tips and guidelines that pertain to the topic at hand. We pack as much information as possible onto two sides of an 8.5 by 11 inch product. If you order the electronic version you can download it almost immediately and print it out on your own printer.

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