Diagnosing Performance Problems – Getting To Root Causes (DOWNLOAD PDF)


Performance appraisals do not improve employee performance, at least on their own. What does? Identifying the CAUSES of less than required job performance, and removing those barriers. The problem is most diagnoses is flawed and misses the root causes of problems. Diagnosing performance problems doesn’t just mean helping the less productive. The process we describe can be used to lift the performance of any employee, regardless of level.



Diagnosing Performance Problems – A Constructive Approach To Improving Employee Performance

Invaluable advice on how to diagnose and identify barriers to performance regardless of current employee levels.

No matter what level an employee is performing at, diagnosing performance deficits can improve performance painlessly. Learn how to do it.
Most employees work at less than the optimum, but despite a popular belief that performance problems or deficits are caused by employees, it’s often the case that it is the system in which the employee works that is causing the problem.

Regardless of why an employee is less productive than desired, it’s critical that a proper diagnosis be done of WHY there is lost productivity, before any remedial action can occur.

Diagnosis part of the performance management and appraisal process
Performance diagnosis should be a standard part of any performance appraisal or management process. Otherwise, 
what’s the point? We want better performance and more productivity, and diagnosis precedes problem solving.

Diagnosing Performance Problems walks you through the entire diagnostic process so you can get to the real or root cause, all on two sides of a standard size 8.5 x11 inch card.

What is unique about this is that we don’t just focus on causes associated with the employee (attitude, skills, etc) but also discuss other important contributors to performance — the system (environment) and manager. This focus on the three contributors to performance make it much more likely you can identify the real and complete causes of problem performance. Here’s a summary of the sections:

  • Overview – The Point of Performance Diagnosis
  • Understanding Performance – What Causes Performance – A three pronged approach
  • Diagnosis Step-By-Step (explains the steps and cycles of diagnosing performance problems so you can do a complete diagnosis, and use that information to create an action plan to resolve the problem.
  • Hints and Tips

Learn to identify result gaps, behavior gaps, examine the environment work system, and managerial contributions to performance, and identify employee based causes of sub-optimum performance.

Start super-charging performance now by learning to help employees get better and better, regardless of how well they are performing. Download now by clicking on the “Add To Cart” Button at the top.

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