Category: Small Business

person making dough beside brown wooden rolling pin in bakery

Small Business Advantage Case Study: The Little Bakery That Wins

In the next town over, there’s a bakery that’s approaching its second anniversary. It’s often busy, in a town of less than 7,000 people, and surrounded by towns that are even smaller. The Village Bakery has few natural advantages. It’s…

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Small Business Advantages: Beating The Giants – Partnering

Partnering: A Business Advantage For The Davids vs. The Goliaths Consistent with the philosophy that small businesses can compete with large businesses if they focus on what they can do that the large corporations can’t, we look at how small…

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The Small Business Advantage: Applying The Principles Of Small Ball To Your Small Business

There are a number of things large companies can do that small companies have trouble replicating, due to economies of scale, and available resources. What small business CAN do is all the little things that capitalize on the shorter “distances” between…

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The Small Business Advantage: Distance To Connect – The Lever That Small Businesses Need to Understand

The size of a company is only relevant to the extent that it provides different opportunities and challenges. By itself it means nothing. That said, the size of a company affects the distance the company has to go to accomplish…

closeup photo of brown hamster in glass cup

Small Businesses: What Your Customers Want From You

Understanding YOUR Customers Key To Small Business Success As a small business owner, perhaps the most important thing to know is what YOUR customers, and prospective customers want. Once you have a good sense of customer needs and wants, then…

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Small Businesses Competing With Big Companies And Winning

How Small Businesses Can Go Up Against Large Companies and Prosper If you’ve owned or operated a small business, you know that in almost every sector, there are a few giant corporations that appear to dominate a market. Whether it’s…