Category: Articles

group of man gathering inside room

I’m Getting Really Torqued – Managing Anger Advice

Cooling off your anger will help you with conflict situations About Managing Anger In Conflict: I’m Gettin’ Really Torqued! By Gene Simmons Summary: A lighter but no less useful article on the process of managing anger. Cooling off your anger is…

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Resolving Workplace Conflict: 4 Ways to a Win-Win Solution (conflict management advice)

Win-Win Conflict Resolution Four Win-Win Conflict Solution Techniques  By Dr. Tony Fiore Summary: Not all conflict ends up, or should end up with a winner and a loser. The most constructive conflicts end up with both parties “winning”. Here are some…

The Art of Negotiation in 535 Words (Expert Advice)

The Art of Negotiation in 535 Words By Lyndsay Swinton Editor’s Summary: This short article uses an acronym to help you stay focused during a negotiation session. This is a very simple negotiation model to learn. You will see that…

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Win-Win Power Negotiating (Expert Advice)

By Roger Dawson Editor’s Summary: This is excellent advice specifically aimed at negotiating terms of buying or selling services and products. The author describes what you can do to during negotiations to create the impression that the other side is…

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Conflict At Work – Costs, Origins and What To Do About It

Dealing With Conflict in the Workplace By Lee Perlitz Introduction Conflict is a major concern in both your personal and working life. If not dealt with quickly, tactfully and efficiently conflict could lead to serious confrontation and/or a complete breakdown…

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Bullying & Manipulation At Work – Management’s Responsibility

Bullying In The Workplace Summary: Bullying at work is becoming a more recognized problem, and some jurisdictions, (e.g. Quebec, Canada) have introduced anti-bullying legislation. Read more about workplace bullying and the role of managers in dealing with it. You know…