Training Needs Assessment Step By Step LearnBytes Helpcard (DOWNLOAD PDF)


A lot of money is spent on training that just doesn’t hit the mark. Why? Because HR and managers arranging training don’t do proper needs assessments. The result is disgruntled employees and a waste of time and money. Here’s the solution: Follow the steps.



Training Needs Assessment Step By Step Helpcard

THE KEY to making workplace training work is to design the training from the ground up to address YOUR company and business needs. It’s the only way organizations can benefit from the substantial costs (seminar costs + time away from work) involved in training employees. How do you do that?

You do a training needs analysis, which is just a fancy way of finding out what employees need to learn to better contribute to the achievement of your organization’s goals, and to carry out their job responsibilities. Is it hard to do?

No. Anyone, whether a professional trainer, HR professional, manager,or line employee, can do it with just a little guidance, and that’s what our Training Needs Assessment LearnBytes Helpcard provides — enough practical learning and guidance to enable you to maximize return on investment for ANY training, in any size organization.

The Good News – Training Needs Assessment – Step By Step

We’ve condensed thirty years of experience in instructional design and needs analysis into a low cost (about $12.00), quick mini-guide (a 20 minute read) suitable for managers, trainers, instructional designers and HR professionals. You can get the basics down quickly because we’ve written and edited, and pared down the entire process so it fits on two sides of an 8.5″ x 11″ “card”. Of course, you have to supply the impetus to use the methods explained, but 20 minutes should be all you need.

Here`s What You Will Learn

  • Characteristics of training that pays off
  • Training needs analysis overview
  • The Steps
  • Identifying performance gaps
  • Techniques for identifying gaps
  • Prioritizing the gaps
  • Identify the causes of the gaps including use of “the seven why’s technique”
  • Deciding whether training will reduce the gap
  • Identifying skills needed and who needs them
  • Hints & Tips

Again, twenty minutes of your time to go through the “lesson”, and about twelve dollars to save you hundreds or thousands by eliminating wasted training. That’s all you need.

Here’s How It Pays Off

  • Reduce training costs by focusing on what is NECESSARY, not what is “cool”
  • Improve the ability of employees to apply what they learn on the job
  • Improve decision-making about what training to design/buy and what is non-essential
  • Make better use of very tight budgets used for training purposes
  • Make training more relevant and useful to those that attend

Format & Guarantee

While we offer Learn To Conduct A Training Needs Assessment LearnBytes in printed and laminated format, most of our customers choose to save a few dollars and buy the instantly downloadable version (do that from this page), because it’s convenient, and faster.

And just to put your mind at rest we offer you a simple guarantee — if you find it doesn’t suit your purpose, let us know and we’ll refund your purchase price (some conditions may apply).

If you need to train staff, purchase training, or simply want to make sure that training dollars and time don’t go to waste, get this mini-guide, and follow the steps.

Get It Now and Save

Since there’s no risk, there’s no reason to wait. Click on the buy button and use our secure ordering system to get your copy immediately via download. You don’t have to be a trainer to benefit from understanding training needs assessment. We teach you how.

About The Author

Robert Bacal is trained as an instructional designer (M.A., Applied Psychology), and has thirty years of experience in designing and delivering EFFECTIVE and relevant training. His books have sold over 400,000 world wide, so you can rest assured that what you will learn is accurate, relevant, and will work.

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