Category: FAQ-Leadership
Basics of Leadership – Models, Terms and View From The Bridge
As part of our commitment to leadership development, we’ve created a comprehensive encyclopedia of questions and answers on all aspects of leadership. Starting with basic principles and terminology, and moving into discussion of more complex real world leadership problems, we have identified the most common questions about leadership and effective leaders, and created this knowledgebase. These pages are updated often so make sure to bookmark this page so you can find it again
Leadership Mistakes -Failure To Focus On The Future
Understandable but Deadly Many of the common errors leaders make are a result of the pressures of the leadership position and forces exerted upon them by the organization. So as with many of the errors mentioned in our list of…
Fatal Leader Error – Failure To Listen
Failure to listen. A common leader flaw In a survey by the Blanchard Companies, over 81% of executives surveyed indicated they had come across leaders who failed to listen. This is a rather startling statistic and suggests that leaders simply…
Leadership Mistakes – Refusal To Change, Lack of Adaptability, Rigidness
Flexibility essential to long term leader success. In anything but the most simple leadership situations, one can observe a startling phenomenon. It’s hard for any leader to continue to be successful over time, and across situations, jobs, or companies. For…
Leadership Mistake – Confusing Commanding With Leading
Society pushes us to confuse commanding with leading When we think of famous leaders, we often think of military or political figures who appear (at least in their folklore) to be excellent commanders, exerting their positive effects through the ability…
Leaders are Born, Leaders are Made – Two Leadership Myths
False Dichotomy Makes For A Confusing Myth About Leaders If you’ve look at any literature on leadership, you’ll certainly have come across the statement — Leaders are made. You have almost certainly come across the term “born leader” as used…
Blanchard Research Findings On Leadership Mistakes
Fourteen Hundred Executives Interviewed. What Are The Most Common Leadership Mistakes? The Ken Blanchard Companies interviewed over 1400 executives and leaders to find out what they thought were the most common leadership mistakes. What did they find? Heading the list…