Category: FAQ-Leadership
Basics of Leadership – Models, Terms and View From The Bridge
As part of our commitment to leadership development, we’ve created a comprehensive encyclopedia of questions and answers on all aspects of leadership. Starting with basic principles and terminology, and moving into discussion of more complex real world leadership problems, we have identified the most common questions about leadership and effective leaders, and created this knowledgebase. These pages are updated often so make sure to bookmark this page so you can find it again
Leadership Errors – Behaving Inconsistently
Leaders are Human But… While we like to think human beings act consistently, you’d be surprised at how inconsistent people are, primarily because our behavior is heavily influenced by the context and situation. That’s normal and people around us actually…
Why is the ivory tower syndrome so dangerous to leadership effectiveness?
Most people know the term “ivory tower“. It’s come to mean being out of touch with the “real” world or the rest of the world. It’s a major problem with respect to leaders. With respect to leadership, it means the…
Leaders Going Bad – The Invisible Leader
It’s common for new leaders to spend a lot of their time being visible and in touch with their employees. In fact, it’s an important aspect of assuming the mantle of leadership. But here’s an odd, but understandable phenomenon. As…
How Does Ego Cause Leaders To Self-Destruct?
If you look at leaders in real life, you’ll discover that some people in leadership roles maintain their effectiveness over time, but that others go from being effective to becoming ineffective, sometimes becoming destructive forces in their organizations. How can…
Over Focus On Immediate Results Can Degrade Leadership Effectiveness – Process vs Task
Leaders in formal positions of power, authority and accountable can sometimes become overly concerned with short term results and outcomes. Obviously there is tremendous pressure to attend to results, and they are important. However, leadership isn’t just about obtaining results….
Common Leader Mistake – Trying To Treat Everyone The Same
Common Leader Mistake – Trying To Treat Everyone The Same Probably because we live in a democratic society (at least most of us), there’s a mistaken notion that leaders and managers should treat all employees the same, in the name…