Fourteen Hundred Executives Interviewed. What Are The Most Common Leadership Mistakes?
The Ken Blanchard Companies interviewed over 1400 executives and leaders to find out what they thought were the most common leadership mistakes. What did they find?
Heading the list was failure to provide adequate feedback, while in second place, failure to listen was cited.
Included in the failure to provide feedback were things like providing recognition for a job well done.
In third and fourth place (a tie) came failure to provide adequate direction and goal setting, and failure to adapt leadership approach to the specific needs of the individual.
Coming in fifth on the list of leadership mistakes was failure to train and develop their people.
Other factors mentioned in responses to open ended questions included”
- inappropriate use of communication (41%)
- under or over-supervision (27%),
- lack of management skills (14%),
- lack of or inappropriate support (12%)
- lack of accountability (5%)