Tag: web site

cobweb, spider web, dew

Social Media Not Enough: Reasons Your Business Needs A Website Part 3

(Third in a series on why small businesses should not rely on social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook. The first in the series is available here.) The second in the series can be found here. #16 Customizable Multiple E-mail…

cobweb, spider web, dew

Social Media Not Enough: Eight More Reasons Your Business Needs A Website

(Second in a series on why small businesses should not rely on social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook.) The first in the series is available here.) #8 Your Profile/About Page On social media your profile is the main way…

What’s Important When It Comes to a Small Business Web Site – Guiding Principles For Your Small Business Web site

In The Website Imperative For Small Business we explained why you need a web site to represent your business, as opposed to just having a Facebook page, or other presence on social media. Now, let’s look at what makes up a good…

Social Media Not Enough: Reasons Your Business Needs A Website Part 3

(Third in a series on why small businesses should not rely on social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook. The first in the series is available here.) The second in the series can be found here. #16 Customizable Multiple E-mail…

20 Reasons You Need A Website For Your Business: Social Media Presence Is NOT Enough

These days most small businesses jump into the social media space — primarily on Facebook, LinkedIn, Bebee and other similar platforms. They lose out on the power of running their own websites on their own domains. It’s really not surprising….