Tag: communication

What are person centered comments?

Person centered communication is just one of many communication techniques that makes conversations volatile and unpleasant. When you discuss a topic with someone, you can talk about the topic or issue (which is good), or you can talk about the…

What is the “less is more” principle of effective communication?

In informal speech and communication, people have a tendency to talk, and talk, often is a slightly disorganized fashion, since informal speech is not the kind of thing you can plan out. It may surprise you to know that in…

Should I intentionally communicate differently depending on the medium? Why?

The answer to this is a resounding yes, but chances are either you already knew that, or unconsciously alter how you communicate depending on the medium. For example, when you write a report, do you communicate the same as you…

When Praise Is Toxic: One Up, One Down Communication

Can Praise Be Condescending and Toxic? You Bet It’s probably fair to say that all of us appreciate and need praise from others. Or positive feedback, whether emotionally based or task based (see The Uncommon Art of Giving and Receiving…

man holding telephone screaming

Power of Language: Understanding Your Communication INTENT vs. the Communication MEANING

The Power of Language If there’s a best jumping off point for learning about the power of language, and fine tuning how you use it to create more harmonious relationships, this is it: “Your Communication INTENT Versus The Meaning of…