Tag: communication

The Ten Commandments For Communicating “Peacefully” With Even Difficult People

Change your communication, change your relationships at home and at work. We live in an environment where even our leaders are demonstrating insulting, confrontational behavior, and that has spread to the general population. We currently live in a very aggressive…

Man in Black Coat, White Dress Shirt and Black, Gray and White Necktie

The Biggest Myth/Misconception About Communication? — Verbal, Nonverbal, Meharabian, Mehrabian

Verbal and Non-verbal Contributions To Meaning Poor old Albert Mehrabian. His research on the contributions of verbal and nonverbal components of communication are the most misunderstood, misattributed, and confused amongst all the communications discussions around the world. And what’s worse, they…

blue yellow and green parrot on brown tree branch

Minimising Conflict With Effective Communication (Expert team building advice)

By Lee Hopkins Summary: There’s an intimate link between how you communicate and the conflicts you create or become a party to. Good communicators tend to experience less conflict in their lives. This articles maps out some communication related sources…

man holding telephone screaming

A Shining Example of Communication and Conflict (Conflict Insight)

By Don Doman Summary: Using examples from several well known movies (The Shining, 2001 A Space Odyssey), the author explains the link between conflict and communication as it exists within the workplace. Lack of communication is a major cause of…

Communication File – Improve Communication By Eliminating Insinuation

Learn about how insinuation causes conflict Summary: Using insinuating language (insinuations) is a cowardly and week method of attacking another person without taking responsibility for one’s opinions or position. Learn about insinuation and the damage it causes to effective communication….

What Platforms and Tools Are Considered Part of Social Media?

Almost Anything! When one develops definitions of a “something” it is desirable to define what things are included in the definition, and what things are NOT included in the definitions. The less things that are excluded, the less useful the…