Finding and Choosing A Therapist Who Works For You (PDF DOWNLOAD)


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Learn to profit from therapy by choosing the right counsellor to fit your needs, wants, and style. We’ll help you make an informed choice, and evaluate therapy as you go.


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How To Benefit From A Coach, Therapist Or Other “Helper”

Congratulations on taking a first step and recognizing you or your family members might benefit from getting help from a mental health professional, such as a Psychologist, social worker, therapist or counsellor. The FIRST and most important step to better relationships and even success in life is to recognize you could benefit from some outside help. Sometimes you just can’t fix things with self-help. So remember this: Seeking out professional help is a HUGE plus for you. It’s no different than going to a doctor, if you have a sprained ankle.

But how do you find a “helper” that works for you? How to you know, once you’ve started, whether the helping relationship with that person is actually working? After all, most of us aren’t experts on therapy, and we often feel intimidated by professionals, even when things aren’t working out. And, again, there’s no shame in recognizing that a particular therapeutic relationship isn’t filling your needs.

Good Fit Between Your and Your “Helper” Is Everything

The most important thing in choosing and benefiting from a person in the helping professions is that there’s a good fit. A counsellor that is effective with one person may not be as effective for you. A coach may be stellar when working with one of your friends, but may be completely ineffective helping you with your situation.

Finding and Choosing A Therapist That Fits For You

We’ve pulled together some invaluable hints and tips, and advice on how to choose a therapist, and how to determine if a particular therapist is working for you. Many people make the mistake of staying with a therapist when it’s not working, or discussing things with him or her when things seem to be “stuck”.

Our LearnBytes Card is short, to the point, and meant to be read and learned in less than thirty minutes, and it’s something that can be easily carried around with you. We’ve also kept the price really low, so its affordable for everyone in need of help.

What’s Included:

Finding & Choosing A Therapist Who Works For Your Helpcard is an essential tool for anybody looking for mental health assistance. It’s short and easy to understand and walks you through the process of finding possible counselors and therapists, handling the initial consultation and evaluating whether the person is going to fit with your needs and wants. Sections include:

  • Explaining the issue of comfort
  • What’s important in a therapy relationships
  • Where to start
  • Questions to ask during the first meeting
  • Evaluating your reactions
  • Determining if it’s going well
  • Symptoms to watch for
  • When it’s really not working

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