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Over the years I’ve authored literally hundreds of articles on a variety of topics from finding a therapist to improving employee engagement. It’s a bit hard to find things because of the volume of material, so here’s what is available…
Why Did the US Block a Canadian Professor From His Own Book Event? (Important Link)
Why Did the US Block a Canadian Professor From His Own Book Event? Nathan Kalman-Lamb was barred entry into the US. This is a harbinger of the dark political future that Trump is ushering in If you travel to the…
Conflict & Cooperation In The Workplace
Conflict & Cooperation In The Workplace — Is Conflict Bad? Many of us think that conflict is always bad. That’s not true. There are actually two kinds of conflict that occur, and learning which is which will help you handle…
Machines Can’t Replace The Human Touch — Literally: The Limits Of Technology For Customer Service
In “Has Technology ‘Hit The Wall’ In Improving Customer Experience and Customer Service?” we examined the hypothesis that technology has hit a wall in terms of improving customer service. While companies continue to rely on machines to cut human costs, that has…
Leaders Need Information To Succeed — Are You Getting It?
Summary: Leaders at all levels in any organization need information to be able to make informed decisions. Unfortunately, there is a natural tendency for those within an organization to hesitate in delivering information that is negative or disappointing, or, points to…
Career Stuck? It May Be Because You “Fight Dirty” At Work
Learning To “Fight Fair” Important For Career Advancement You may be familiar with the research that tells us that the best predictor of marriage success or failure is HOW couples manage their conflict. When considering what employees to keep, and…
Understanding Your Communication INTENT vs. the Communication MEANING
Learning More About The Power of Language For more on interpersonal and business communication (including social media) visit the Communication Resource Center If there’s a best jumping off point for learning about the power of language, and fine tuning how…