Category: Working Life

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Common Managerial Mistakes: Confusing Evaluation Forms With Performance Review Process

In most companies, managers are expected to complete forms or otherwise document what occurs during performance review meetings. We’ll explain why this expectation exists. But before we get to that, let’s discuss some issues about performance reviews and forms. Confusion…

tin can, speak, talk

Using Self-Talk to Stay Balanced In The Face Of Bullying/Verbal Attacks

Focus on what you CAN control during unpleasant interactions Self-talk is at the core of staying calm and in control in the face of difficult situations. Simply put, self-talk refers to the words and thoughts we say to ourselves. Even…

skull head bust with LED light

Antidotes to Toxic Communication: Ten Prescriptions In A Nutshell

Toxic communication is often below the level of consciousness and can occur without intending Verbal abuse can take several forms. There’s the in your face yelling and swearing that we are all familiar with. Subtle verbal abuse is a bit…

Photo Of People Looking On Laptop

Five Steps To Being A Superstar Teammate

The steps are simple to think about, and hard to actually put in place. Are you up for it? Stop The Blaming Cycle Often teams get bogged down in blaming members when things go wrong. As a team member you…

insecurity, judgment, relationship

The Myth of Constructive Criticism

It can be constructive or it can be criticism, but calling something both is a cop-out One of the great myths of modern pop communication is the notion that it’s possible to criticize someone — even bully them, provided we…

business, performance, values

A Simple Reality Based Method For Defining Personal and Corporate Values

Both Ends Exercise To Nail Down Meaning Of Specific Values Editor’s Note: In part I of this series we discussed the importance of congruency between espoused and enacted values and beliefs, and the problems that arise as the gap between…