Category: Articles

race track

Common Managerial Mistakes Series: Performance Appraisal Goofs

If it wasn’t for the managers, communication about employee performance could work very well. Here are common errors Performance appraisals are probably the most misused, and goofed-up management tool in existence. Starting from misunderstanding the whole point of appraisals, right…

man standing near podium

How To Establish Credibility and Reduce Resistance in Presentations

It doesn’t matter who you are speaking to. Whether to a group of a thousand, a radio or television audience, or one person in the privacy of your office, much depends on your ability to come across in a credible…

Over Empowering Employees — Common Managerial Mistake Series

Managers, influenced by the “employee empowerment” buzz of the late ‘90’s sometimes place too much emphasis on insisting that ALL employees exercise more power, discretion and decision-making in their jobs. The result can be the appearance of indecisiveness on the…

Photography of People Graduating

The Best Reason To Go To University…And It’s NOT About The Money

Take a look at the following list of jobs I’ve held during and after my stay in higher education institutions. Animator at half way house for those with mental problems (i.e. bipolar, schizophrenia) Research assistant on social psychology projects Teaching…

Person Holding White Ceramci Be Happy Painted Mug

Writing Tips: How To Become A Consistent, Prolific Writer

Prolific and profit generating author/writer shares his writing strategies One of the challenges for many writers is how to write regularly while maintaining the quality of the writing, and that applies to both article writing, and writing a book. Most…

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Never Ending Interviews: Survey Based Research On Customer Behavior and Use of Social Media Often Very Misleading

The really bad news about the “research” that informs us about the value of customer service and consumer behaviour. Q: You’ve commented that you believe the use of surveys in both customer service and social media is causing bad business decisions….