Category: Articles

person showing silver-colored engagement ring with gemstone

The Biggest Determinants Of Employee Effort Are Beyond The Control Of Employers

Companies Don’t Have It Within Their Power To Increase Employee Engagement and Employee Effort One of the assumptions underlying company efforts to improve employee engagement is that the company is in control of the factors that will increase it. After…

person showing silver-colored engagement ring with gemstone

Fundamental Confusion: Employee Engagement As Means, Or As Ends

Confusion About Employee Engagement As Tool Or As Goal One of the criticisms leveled at the employee engagement movement is that when companies forge ahead at attempting to improve engagement, they forget that employee engagement is not the important goal….

person showing silver-colored engagement ring with gemstone

Impossible To Assess The Value Of Employee Engagement Efforts

Companies Unable To Evaluate Success of Employee Engagement Efforts In a perfect world, it would be important for companies that invest in anything to be able to evaluate whether that investment returns value to the company. Companies evaluate their marketing…

All About Verbal Abuse In Pictures

Are you ready to delve into the complex and often overlooked issue of verbal abuse? Whether you are a concerned individual, a survivor seeking validation, or an advocate looking for new ways to raise awareness, this post will provide you…

a person is casting a vote into an election box

Visiting The Long History of Political Attack Language

From Wit And Humor To Verbal Assassination If you have been around for enough elections, you may have noticed that the election campaign of 2016 seems like the bloodiest attack mode campaign ever. And you might be correct. It’s hard…

3 puppets in purple and white dress figurine

The Subtleties of Verbal Abuse: Learn To Identify When You Are Being Manipulated

The Power of Language We’re all familiar with verbal abuse that is “in your face”, and that involves yelling, swearing, direct insults and similar tactics. It’s ugly, but the one saving grace is that if it’s aimed at you, you…