What are communication channels and why are they important?

Communication can be split into two parts — the message or content, and the channel it’s transmitted on. For example, you may want to communicate something about your emotional state — let’s say that you are angry. You can communicate that over a number of channels. You could write a letter. You could send email. You could communicate it non-verbally or para-verbally. You could send a tape recording of your ranting about why you are angry. Those are all different channels.

What’s important is that different communication channels have different strengths and weaknesses. If, for example, the CEO of a company wants to communicate there will be layoffs within the company, s/he could simply send a bulk email to all staff, and leave it at that? Would that be the best channel to use for that kind of message? Probably not. The use of email would convey a lack of sincere concern on the CEO’s part.

If you want to tell someone you love them, is it best to send them a form letter, or maybe it would be best to do it face-to-face? Sort of obvious.

Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for someone to pick the wrong communication channels because they are fearful, or simply want to choose the easiest path in the short term. Usually, this results in limited short term avoidance, but long term problems that go on and on. Think about and choose the best channels for the specific message.


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