Tag: customer experience
A Typical Day — Why Technology is Worsening Both Customer Service and Customer Experience
In my short article entitled Has technology improved the customer experience in most companies? I put forth a number of reasons why technology is making customer service and customer experience worse. Here’s a typical 24 hour day — my day, in fact….
Six Learning Points About Customer Experience — A Tale of Two Hotels
A customer speaks out on customer experience Since people vary so much in terms of what they see as positive customer experiences and its not possible to be all things to all people, it’s important to start by defining your…
Small Businesses: What Your Customers Want From You
Understanding YOUR Customers Key To Small Business Success As a small business owner, perhaps the most important thing to know is what YOUR customers, and prospective customers want. Once you have a good sense of customer needs and wants, then…
Leveraging Your Cost Free Advantage: Better Customer Experience Via “Small Ball”
Presentation: Free Slide Deck It’s often the case that small businesses exist in a market that includes at least one, and often many other LARGE businesses or chains. On the surface of it, it would seem that the small business…