Category: Articles

The Ten Commandments For Communicating “Peacefully” With Even Difficult People

Change your communication, change your relationships at home and at work. We live in an environment where even our leaders are demonstrating insulting, confrontational behavior, and that has spread to the general population. We currently live in a very aggressive…

Elearning, Distance Education, Not Equivalent to Full Time Study

Elearning and Distance Education DIFFERENT from Face To Face Full Time Studies Even though almost everybody can understand that: a conversation on the phone is not the same as a conversation face to face watching a sport on television is…

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Here’s How To Make Employee Evaluations Valuable

Small shifts in mindset about managing performance and doing appraisals is all it takes. Despite exhortations to abolish performance appraisals by experts, bloggers, and luminaries such as Edward Deming, and Coens & Jenkins, they are alive, if not well. They…

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Five Powerful Conflict Management Strategies (Complete Paid Version)

Five Powerful Conflict Management Strategies (Complete Paid Version):Learn to choose the best conflict management approach to suit the situation: No more knee-jerk reactions. The following was originally published as part of our LearnBytes Series, and entitled “Using Your Head To…

man holding his graduation cap

Surviving The Humbling Graduate School Experience

Be prepared for the weird, wonderful and humbling experiences in graduate school Congratulations. You finished your first degree, most probably with distinction. You chose the best graduate school to attend, and WOW, they accepted you. So now what? Prepare for…

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When Teams Aren’t Important Or Desirable

Teams aren’t always the best or most efficient way to get work done Sometimes Teams Are Counter-Productive On the surface of it, it would appear that effective teams are always good, and that it is always worthwhile to invest in…