Category: Articles
Power of Language: Understanding Your Communication INTENT vs. the Communication MEANING
The Power of Language If there’s a best jumping off point for learning about the power of language, and fine tuning how you use it to create more harmonious relationships, this is it: “Your Communication INTENT Versus The Meaning of…
The Myth of Constructive Criticism: Often An Excuse For Abuse
The Power of Language One of the great myths of modern pop communication is the notion that it’s possible to criticize someone — even bully them, provided we ask first to provide “constructive criticism”. We actually believe that by tacking…
When To Seek Professional Help With Your Anger and Rage
While it’s great that you recognize your anger or even rage is negatively affecting your relationships, and you are seeking self-help ways to address the situation, there are situations where you are much better off getting help from health and…
Anger Self-Control: Venting Versus Letting Go Are Different
There’s a myth about anger that goes back a long time. I call it the steam kettle syndrome. The idea is that anger is like steam in a kettle on the stove. So long as there is heat, the steam builds…
Small Business Advantage Case Study: The Little Bakery That Wins
In the next town over, there’s a bakery that’s approaching its second anniversary. It’s often busy, in a town of less than 7,000 people, and surrounded by towns that are even smaller. The Village Bakery has few natural advantages. It’s…
Small Business Advantages: Beating The Giants – Partnering
Partnering: A Business Advantage For The Davids vs. The Goliaths Consistent with the philosophy that small businesses can compete with large businesses if they focus on what they can do that the large corporations can’t, we look at how small…