Category: Articles

person behind fog glass

Leading In Uncertain Times

Leading When Fogged In It happens to every leader eventually. The path forward is obscured as if by fog. Changes beyond one’s control make it impossible, at least for a while, to identify what to do next. For a CEO,…

Change neon light signage

The Simplest Solution To Defining Corporate and Personal Values

Nailing Down The Meaning of Values – Personal AND Corporate (Part 1) If personal and corporate values are to have any usefulness, they have to be used to make decisions and guide behavior. Most of us have worked in organizations,…

Is there a core set of leadership skills that are essential or mandatory for leadership success?

Do Leaders Have To Have A Specific Core Set Of Skills To Be Successful? It’s a Yes, and a No If you read books about leadership, or listen to leadership experts, you may come away with the idea that there…

Leadership Credibility – Why is it SO Important

Importance Of Credibility For Leadership Success First, if there is one defining characteristic of leaders who are effective over long periods of time, it’s that they behave in ways that cause people to see them as credible. That means that…

white and blackbull on brown soil

What Should You Do When You Witness Workplace Bullying?

By Judith Munson More and more we are understanding that bullying and mobbing don’t just apply to children or in the school yard, but occur in adults, in the workplace and other settings. And, the consequences of bullying for both children…

Free: Imperfect Phrases 31-40 and What To Replace Them With

Here are the next imperfect phrases from my book. I’m Not The Only One, Everyone Thinks That… (Passive aggressive technique to pressure another person isn’t likely to endear you to anyone). It’s All In Your Mind (A terrible thing to…