Category: Communication & Conflict

Diverse women fighting in room

Resolving Conflicts Effectively (free conflict advice)

Help for resolving conflicts Resolving Conflicts Effectively By Garrett Coan Summary: Here’s a nice, concisely written article on conflict resolution that covers different ways we tend to address conflict, and some sound advice on resolving conflicts at home and at…

man holding telephone screaming

A Shining Example of Communication and Conflict (Conflict Insight)

By Don Doman Summary: Using examples from several well known movies (The Shining, 2001 A Space Odyssey), the author explains the link between conflict and communication as it exists within the workplace. Lack of communication is a major cause of…

argument, conflict, controversy

Workplace Conflict Not Always About The People

Root Causes of Conflict in Work-Groups By Mark Bodnarczuk Studies have shown that over 85% of the root causes of organizational performance problems are in the structures, systems, and culture within which work-groups are embedded – put good people in…

Diverse women fighting in room

Dissolving Conflict Through Reframing (expert conflict tips)

Dissolving Conflict Through Reframing Reframing is a valuable tool to help you clarify your thinking about a conflict and understand the situation calmly. By Maria Boomhower Summary: A short but insightful article that explains reframing as a technique to gain…

man in gray crew neck long sleeve shirt standing beside woman in black crew neck shirt

Understanding Need Based Conflict (Expert Perspective)

By Amarendra Bhushan Summary: Indepth and somewhat academic explanation of needs based conflict, a particular type of conflict. Need-based conflicts arise due to multiplicity of needs, in congruency of needs and need dissatisfaction. I. Multiplicity of Needs At a given…

Diverse women fighting in room

Resolve Conflict In 6 Easy Steps – The BEDROL Method (Expert Advice)

By Tristan Loo Editor’s Summary:This article uses the acronym BEDROL to reinforce some proven negotiation techniques for resolving conflict. You will learn how having a ‘Plan B’, getting your emotions under control, defusing your opponent’s anger, and other steps will…