Category: FAQ-Leadership

Basics of Leadership – Models, Terms and View From The Bridge
As part of our commitment to leadership development, we’ve created a comprehensive encyclopedia of questions and answers on all aspects of leadership. Starting with basic principles and terminology, and moving into discussion of more complex real world leadership problems, we have identified the most common questions about leadership and effective leaders, and created this knowledgebase. These pages are updated often so make sure to bookmark this page so you can find it again

Leaders Need To Be Outgoing and Extroverted? (Leadership Myths)

No Introverts Need Apply For Leadership? When leaders are profiled in the media, they tend to appear as outgoing and extroverted, so we tend to associate effective leadership with outgoing personality types. This is misleading since the behavior of leaders…

A leadership mistake – failing to hold people accountable

Sometimes people in leadership roles fall into a trap of wanting to be liked, and don’t hold people below them accountable for their actions and the results they achieve (or fail to achieve). Or, a busy leader may feel that…

Leaders Getting Their Hands Dirty – Jumping In

Team Leadership: Should A Leader Take Over During Crunch Time? Question: I have recently been promoted to group leader so I am now leading my former co-workers. In spite of being new to the leadership game, things are running smoothly….

What is “power over” and why is it important to me as a leader?

Power Over – Overused But Still Important The term “power over” someone reflects what most of us think of when we consider the use of power in organizations. It means that the person using “power over” is exercising control OVER…

Leadership As A Partnership

An older and antiquated understanding of leadership considers leadership as involving what the leader does TO those he or she is leading. Probably more people believe that leading is about what one does to people, rather than what one does…

Can reliance on technology interfere with being an effective leader?

You’d think that the popularity and availability of technologies, particular ones that “make communication easier”, like email, cell phones and pagers, would make it easier to be an effective leader. And certainly being able to communicate with others everywhere and…