Category: FAQ-Communication General & Media

The Three Boorish Buckets Of Social Media Comments

Feedback To Dumb As Rocks People When The People Who NEED The Feedback Are The Least Likely To “Hear” It It’s an odd world. It seems that the people who really need to hear how they are perceived by others,…

What You Don’t Say Counts: “You Don’t Say?” Good!

What You Don’t Say Determines The Relationship We know that “good” talk smooths and builds relationships, whether with family, or friends or in the workplace. Supportive listening and compliments are important in building a good foundation of trust and mutual…

Can you provide practical tips and suggestions to improve email communication?

The following is an excerpt from Conflict Prevention in the Workplace — Using Cooperative Communication When sending e-mail always reread what you have written before sending it on. Read it twice (at least) — once for content (does it say…

What is the “less is more” principle of effective communication?

In informal speech and communication, people have a tendency to talk, and talk, often is a slightly disorganized fashion, since informal speech is not the kind of thing you can plan out. It may surprise you to know that in…

Less Is More In Communicating Your Message

Less Makes Better Communication Why LESS Communication Is More Effective To Make Your Point Whether we are trying to communicate a point face to face, on the Internet, on the phone, or to groups of people, many of us have…

Should I intentionally communicate differently depending on the medium? Why?

The answer to this is a resounding yes, but chances are either you already knew that, or unconsciously alter how you communicate depending on the medium. For example, when you write a report, do you communicate the same as you…