Author: Robert Bacal

Site owner, author, management consultant, trainer, specializing in dealing with difficult, angry, and hostile people.
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Turning Around Negative Attitudes

Learn to deal with negative people at work Attacking negativity in the workplace: Organization Improvement Turning Around Negative Attitudes At one time or another, organizations develop an over-abundance of  “negative energy” or attitudes.  Sometimes they can be linked to  organizational trauma,…

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Managing The Maverick Employee – Free article

Harnessing the power of renegade and maverick employees Sometimes the most creative are the most difficult to manage. Learn how to deal with renegades and mavericks Managing The Maverick Employee Management Challenges Understanding The Maverick He seems to march to…

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Managers – Are You Getting The Information You Need To Do A Good Job?!

It’s a very odd question…but an important one in government. One of the worst feelings a government manager, executive or supervisor can experience is that dreadful sinking feeling that occurs when it is discovered that something bad you should have…

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Toxic Organizations – Welcome To The Fire Of An Unhealthy Workplace

Unhealthy Workplaces – Toxic Organizations Toxic Organizations Cause Conflict – The Remedy Is Leadership Summary: Some organizations have climates that are unhealthy for those that work in them. We call these organizations toxic organizations. Within toxic organizations conflict thrives like…

Fair Fighting At Work Provides A Career Boost

Learning To “Fight Fair” Important For Career Advancement Career Stuck? It May Be Because You “Fight Dirty” At Work You may be familiar with the research that tells us that the best predictor of marriage success or failure is HOW…

A Brief Conflict-Provoking Communication Self-Assessment

Are you a conflict starter at work? The following free self-assessment is from Conflict Prevention In The Workplace – Using Cooperative Communication. The book is available in PDF form only in our Bacal and Associates Store Since this book is…