Tag: writing
You Know You Are A “Real Writer” When….
People write for all kinds of reasons. Some do so because they feel it’s a good business strategy to create blog posts. Others write because they have a passion about a particular subject. There’s one element that will help you…
Writing Tip: Words Are The Paintbrush
Think of your words as a paintbrush for the senses. EVOKE. Most amateur writers get lost in abstractions, abstract concepts, vagueness. Don’t say love. Tell me what love looks like. Paint it like DaVinci. Tell me what love smells like….
The MAIN Difference For Writing On Social Media
Social Media Readers Want To “Get To Know You? What’s The Main Difference Between Writing For Print, and Writing For Major Social Media Platforms? The biggest difference between the more formal writing one reads in newspapers (or used to) and…