Author: Robert Bacal

Site owner, author, management consultant, trainer, specializing in dealing with difficult, angry, and hostile people.
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From Solo Business To Employer: Two Necessary Psychological Shifts

There are really THREE stages of business growth for small businesses (defined as having less than 100 employees). The first is the solo entrepreneur who starts the business and operates it as the sole person in the business, perhaps sometimes…

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Managers — Are You Getting The Information You Need To Do A Good Job?!

OR…Managers — Why Won’t Your Employees Talk To You? It’s a very odd question…but an important one in government. One of the worst feelings a government manager, executive or supervisor can experience is that dreadful sinking feeling that occurs when…

a man with a bandaged eye and a piece of paper on his forehead

Managers: Don’t Be A Victim Of Your Difficult Employee

Learn why managers all too often delay dealing with toxic employees Here’s a little paradox for you. To manage a difficult person, it is absolutely essential that you avoid becoming a victim of that person. However, to avoid becoming a victim, guess…

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How Effective Reviews Differ From Ineffective Ones

Yes, there is such a thing as an effective performance review. Here’s how to get there. Unclear vs. Clear Definition There are currently a lot of definitions and different terms used to describe meetings where performance is discussed. For example,…

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Stop Lying To Yourself And Others About “Not Having Time”

Time is a concept by which we measure what’s important, and what’s not. It’s NEVER about how much time you have, or haven’t. How many times have YOU said to someone “I don’t have time to do that”? Or how many…

Man and Woman Near Table

How To Work With Your “Competitors” To Cross and Co-Market

Cost effective ways to market cooperatively to compete with the “big boys” Do you view your competitors as companies over which you need to triumph? If so you are probably missing out on a key strategy for competing with large…