Author: Robert Bacal
For Small Businesses It Can’t All Be About The Benjamins —Passion Counts
There are a lot of people who start their businesses because they believe their ideas are fabulous and unique, and they also believe that the operation of a small business is going to make them rich. Often they believe riches…
Uncommon Comments On Social Media and Human Communication
As social media moves into a more mature phase, there’s still a lot we don’t know about its usefulness to the majority of businesses. Below are a number of short snippets, quotes and comments on social media. Whether they are…
The Problem of “Thin Relationships” On Social Media
Umair Haque, the Harvard academic, posts on The Harvard blog, a thought provoking idea about the limitations of social media and the kinds of relationships that are forged via social media. He speaks of “thin relationships” Here’s a quote that expresses the…
Writing Tip: Words Are The Paintbrush
Think of your words as a paintbrush for the senses. EVOKE. Most amateur writers get lost in abstractions, abstract concepts, vagueness. Don’t say love. Tell me what love looks like. Paint it like DaVinci. Tell me what love smells like….
Writing Lesson: Glib, Cute, Idiot
It’s easy to mistake facility with language with poetic ability. Don’t. Wordplay, cuteness, glibness — all to show how damned clever you are just shows how lacking in substance your writing is. Cuteness, glibness cannot replace real insight, real ability…
What Every Parent, Teacher and Trainer Needs to Know About Teaching and Learning: Passive vs. active learning in lectures and presentations: The myth of “activity” — We do learn without observable action
Many trainers will talk about lectures and presentations as examples of passive learning, and spit on the floor to show their disdain for them. That’s more a reflection of the lack of understanding of modern learning theory than anything else….