11 Simple, Yet Profound Perspectives To Make Performance Management Work

My quick guide to performance management, Making Performance Management and Appraisal VALUABLE: Walking The Path Together contains 86 tips on how to make performance management both effective and how to remove the sense of confrontation and feelings of discomfort.

Here are the first 11 tips from the book, which is available in PDF format from this store, or from amazon in hard copy.

11 Simple, Yet Profound Perspectives To Make Performance Management Work

1. It’s virtually impossible to make a performance management system work across an organization unless it adds and is perceived as adding value to 1) the company, 2) executives and managers, and 3) employees. That’s rule ONE.

2. Almost everything that constitutes good management is contained in effective performance management. The best way to be a great manager is to institute a proper means of managing performance! The rest all falls into place.

3. Make it clear to the employee that the forms need to be done but the really important part is the discussion between manager and employee.

4. A lot of anxiety can be eliminated if a) employees understand what process will be used for the performance review discussion, and b) that there will be no surprises during the review meeting.

5. 360 degree feedback is not a replacement for performance management and appraisals. Anonymity and lack of ability to discuss comments with originators makes the value of the feedback process questionable.

6. Technology has emerged as a way to “streamline” performance management and appraisals, but it makes it easy to forget that managing performance is about people. Software programs make it easier to do bad things more quickly. Don’t get sucked in to doing only what the software requires.

7. Most experts agree that it is inappropriate to use the results of 360-degree appraisals to determine promotions and pay levels because of a) inaccurate rating systems, and b) limitations of anonymous feedback. If you use 360-degree feedback consider it as a way to provide employees with information about their performance, but not to make any final determinations regarding quality of work.

8. Performance reviews work best when the discussion brings together both parties in a partnership to improve performance. Consider getting input from employees about how YOU can help them perform more effectively, or how they feel you are doing your job.

9. NEVER, ever stop doing performance management because an employee is at the top of his or her pay scale.. Remember, it’s about continuous performance improvement! Shouldn’t everyone have a chance to get better regardless of pay scale or current performance level?

10. If you base pay raises on performance appraisal results you set up a situation where you and the employee are not perceived as “on the same side”, because there’s a lot at stake. In many companies you won’t have a choice, so it’s simply a reality that must be recognized. You will need to work extra hard at creating the perception that, salary aside, you are both on the same team.

11. The relationship you build with each employee is by far, the most powerful force in improving performance (or in making performance work). When you talk and act like a partner with the goal of helping the employee, you’ll be amazed at the positive effects this can have.

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