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Over the years I’ve authored literally hundreds of articles on a variety of topics from finding a therapist to improving employee engagement. It’s a bit hard to find things because of the volume of material, so here’s what is available…
The Tyranny of Middle Class Values and How Some Think About Work
Employee Engagement? Who Cares! I wrote on the human resources discussion list, a short piece that was stimulated by one consultant’s praise for the employment engagement concept, one that, by the way, I abhor for a number of reasons. The…
Creating An Environment Where Employees Can Find Meaning In Their Work
How To Avoid Dangling Employees The second of the twelve Gallup questions that ties into employee engagement is: Does the mission/purpose of your company make you feel your job is important? It’s no surprise that this is on the list. You already know…
Multiple Meanings For Employee Engagement A Serious Problem
Stripping The Jargon Away From Employee Engagement Unless you read research journals that are often not available for free online, you’ll probably be surprised that there is no single, common definition of “employee engagement”. That’s one of the criticisms quietly…
Herzberg Applied To Employee Engagement Explains Why Companies Can’t Raise Employee Engagement
Why It’s Easier To Destroy Employee Engagement Than Improve It In the late 1950’s and 1960’s, psychologist Frederick Herzberg suggested and researched a rather simple, and common sense like explanation about what motivates and demotivates people at work. Herzberg can be…
Employee Engagement Affected By Literally Hundreds Of “Microfactors”
Why Companies Haven’t Succeeded In Improving Employee Engagement While we’ve stated that organizations are not in control of many of the factors that affect employees’ desire to work hard for a company, it’s obvious that there are still factors under…