Why And How Search Engines Are Failing You
You may finally be noticing that you simply cannot find what you need using Google and the other search engines. In fact, it’s fair to say that Google search results have slowly been declining in quality and usefulness over the…
Support Your Support Staff So They Can Support You
They usually do the most repetitive job tasks. They answer the phones, keep things organized, keep track of finances, make sure you have what you need when you need it, and are often the first contact a customer or member…
What Sets Social Media Winners From Social Media Losers?
Perhaps it’s because I’m slowly reading “You Are Not A Gadget” By Jaron Lanier, but I’m getting more interested in the changes that society may undergo as a result of social media, and in turn, I’m interested in what is…
Q&A: Ground Rules For Teams And Groups — Should We Have Some?
The following question is about a workplace, but the things that make teams function well apply to ANY kind of group or team, whether it’s a sports team, non-profit action group, or in the home (yes, your family is a…
Dealing With The Human Road Runner Employee
In a previous article we discussed the plight of Mary Duncan, Director of the Income Security Branch, who had to contend with John, the human speed bump. John’s tended to shoot holes in new ideas, procrastinate, and generally hold to…
Be Credible. Be Trusted. Persuade. Lead: Ten tips. Learn the gentle art of persuasion and leadership. Lead so people follow.
It doesn’t matter who you are speaking to. Whether to a group of a thousand, a radio or television audience, or one person in the privacy of your office, much depends on your ability to come across in a credible…