Category: Articles

brown wooden round toy on white surface

The Never Ending Interviews: To Grow OR Not To Grow A Business

Robert Bacal discusses the pros and cons of business growth in the first in a new series, entitled “The Never Ending Interviews” Q: Robert, you’ve just semi-retired after twenty five years running Bacal & Associates as a solo business. Was there…

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Never Ending Interviews: Expecting Minimum Wage Customer Service Staff To Act As If They Are Slaves

Q: I noticed that you had a brief conversation with @altmilan who suggested that people on both sides of the customer equation (employees/companies AND customers) sometimes confuse service with servitude. Can you expand on this a bit? A: Actually, that was Milan’s…

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Why Your Twitter Marketing Efforts Are Doomed To Failure

Learn about sales funnels, churn, attrition and deceiving metrics. Here’s the scenario. The social media platform you use indicates you have 25,000+ followers, or friends or people who should be reading and responding to your business related social messages. But…

Toddler Wearing Head Scarf in Bed

Leaders are Born, Leaders are Made — Two Leadership Myths

False Dichotomy Makes For A Confusing Myth About Leaders If you’ve look at any literature on leadership, you’ll certainly have come across the statement — Leaders are made. You have almost certainly come across the term “ born leader” as used in…

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Why It’s So Hard To Market On Twitter

If a tweet falls in the forest, does anybody hear? Tweets are wisps In the wind, and have less influence than most think There are so many reasons why social media has exploded in popularity, but let’s look at what…

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Using Self-Talk to Stay Balanced In The Face Of Bullying/Verbal Attacks

Focus on what you CAN control during unpleasant interactions Self-talk is at the core of staying calm and in control in the face of difficult situations. Simply put, self-talk refers to the words and thoughts we say to ourselves. Even…