Category: Articles

grayscale photography of group of person sitting indoors

Cross Cultural Negotiation (free advice)

Negotiating Across Cultures Learn to Avoid Cultural Problems When Negotiating Cross Cultural Negotiations By Neil Payne Summary: We often forget that people from other countries and cultures do things differently than we do. In negotiation this can be an important…

Minimising Conflict With Effective Communication (Expert team building advice)

By Lee Hopkins Summary: There’s an intimate link between how you communicate and the conflicts you create or become a party to. Good communicators tend to experience less conflict in their lives. This articles maps out some communication related sources…

grayscale photography of group of person sitting indoors

Negotiation Strategies Especially for Couples (Expert Advice)

By Ellyn Bader, Ph.D. Editor’s Summary:Many people are afraid of conflict because they do not know how to negotiate. This article explains why you should learn to negotiate with your partner and the skills you need to learn how to…

grayscale photography of group of person sitting indoors

Negotiating Skills Will Get You Ahead – (free negotiating advice)

Negotiating skills ARE important Learn to be a top notch negotiator Negotiating Skills Will Get You Ahead By Garrett Coan Summary: We negotiate all the time to prevent conflict, and to get along with others — in our families and…

boy singing on microphone with pop filter

Conflict: Don’t Just Fight It, Manage It (Expert Advice)

By Eric Garner Editor’s Summary: Conflict doesn’t have to mean arguing or fighting. The best way to deal with conflict in your life is to take a proactive approach and manage the process. That’s the best way to make intelligent…

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Resolving Conflicts Effectively (free conflict advice)

Help for resolving conflicts Resolving Conflicts Effectively By Garrett Coan Summary: Here’s a nice, concisely written article on conflict resolution that covers different ways we tend to address conflict, and some sound advice on resolving conflicts at home and at…