Author: Robert Bacal

Site owner, author, management consultant, trainer, specializing in dealing with difficult, angry, and hostile people.

Eight bad habits that impede listening – part II

Ineffective Habits – Barriers To Listening …continued. View part I of Eight Bad Habits That Impede Listening Listening Only For Facts Effective communication is based on understanding both the factual content of what someone is saying, AND understanding the emotions,…

Eight Bad Habits That Get In The Way Of Listening – Part I

Bad habits will interfere with your ability to listen and hear It’s fair to say that in our society, we give lip service to the importance of listening to others but in practice we do not live in a society…

Important issues with assertiveness and listening use in the real world

While in theory, the use of assertive skills and various forms of active and reflective listening should work in real life, the reality is that they often do not work the way the experts contend, or the books teach us….

What Is Assertive Communication?

Overview of Assertive Communication The Core Principles of Assertive Communication Assertiveness, or assertive communication has become a commonly trained method to help people communicate so that, at least theoretically, both parties can talk about, and have their needs met in…

Producing Hassle-Hunters – Every Employee A Quality Specialist

Want Employee “Engagement”? Start With Hassle Hunting, A Value Added Process Contrary to what many executives think, the information essential to improved productivity and efficiency does not reside in the executive suite, but in the minds of the people who…

Assertiveness Doesn’t Always Work

Assertiveness In Theory and In Practice A Limitation On Assertiveness Effectiveness There’s no question that being assertive is a better way to communicate your needs and wants, at least compared to being aggressive, or just accepting situations that cause you…