Category: Uncategorized
Social Media Not Enough: Reasons Your Business Needs A Website Part 3
(Third in a series on why small businesses should not rely on social media platforms, like LinkedIn and Facebook. The first in the series is available here.) The second in the series can be found here. #16 Customizable Multiple E-mail…
Employee Engagement Efforts A TOTAL Disaster
Estimates are that companies are spending around one BILLION dollars a year on improving “employee engagement”. It’s the new “thing”, the new management fad that is sucking money out of corporate budgets that could be going into concrete improvements for…
The Ten Commandments For Communicating “Peacefully” With Even Difficult People
Change your communication, change your relationships at home and at work. We live in an environment where even our leaders are demonstrating insulting, confrontational behavior, and that has spread to the general population. We currently live in a very aggressive…
How To Work With Your “Competitors” To Cross and Co-Market
Cost effective ways to market cooperatively to compete with the “big boys” Do you view your competitors as companies over which you need to triumph? If so you are probably missing out on a key strategy for competing with large…
Communicating With The Boss – Get Your Ideas Heard (Tips & Tricks)
Get Through to your hard headed boss Reduce conflict with your boss and manager Communicating With The Boss We all work for someone, and we need to communicate effectively with the boss, for our own benefit and the benefit of…
Your Shopping Choices
Welcome to the Bacal & Associates Work and Personal Development Store. Here you can find help with tons of personal and work related problems and issues. While we charge for many items you will also find some free items, which…