The FAQ section (Frequently Asked Questions) provides shorter answers to common questions on topics relevant to this site: communication, planning, conflict, leadership and more coming. Available FAQ’s are accessible here.
Q&A: Ground Rules For Teams And Groups — Should We Have Some?
The following question is about a workplace, but the things that make teams function well apply to ANY kind of group or team, whether it’s a sports team, non-profit action group, or in the home (yes, your family is a…
Disposable Communication On The Internet: Do people read what you write?
Disposable Communication On The Internet: What You Need To Know About Disposable Communication On Social Media These days, social media – large platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, message boards, and texting have become the norm to communicate. Few people realize however…
Communicating About Social Media – Does Such A Broad Definition of Social Media Cause Problems?
Yes. In fact it’s a huge unrecognized problem because of the way social media is discussed both within social media platforms, and by standard media such as television, or print publications. Here’s why. If you take a look at the…
What Platforms and Tools Are Considered Part of Social Media?
Almost Anything! When one develops definitions of a “something” it is desirable to define what things are included in the definition, and what things are NOT included in the definitions. The less things that are excluded, the less useful the…
Online Communication Inferior To Print, Research says
Limits on Social Media Communication Effectiveness Research Shows That Reading On A Screen Is Much Inferior To Reading In Print One of the problems about how people use social media to communicate is they fail to recognize that each platform has…
Social Media: The Chameleon YOU Shape
Social Media Platforms Are What YOU Make Of Them What Does It Mean When People Say: “Twitter Is Whatever You Want It To Be”? One of the really fascinating things about social media is that people who use it (let’s…