Author: Robert Bacal

Site owner, author, management consultant, trainer, specializing in dealing with difficult, angry, and hostile people.
insecurity, judgment, relationship

The Myth of Constructive Criticism

It can be constructive or it can be criticism, but calling something both is a cop-out One of the great myths of modern pop communication is the notion that it’s possible to criticize someone — even bully them, provided we…

business, performance, values

A Simple Reality Based Method For Defining Personal and Corporate Values

Both Ends Exercise To Nail Down Meaning Of Specific Values Editor’s Note: In part I of this series we discussed the importance of congruency between espoused and enacted values and beliefs, and the problems that arise as the gap between…

man holding telephone screaming

Stamping Out Blame: What Managers And Leaders Can DO!

Conflict Management And Resolution Series: #2 Stamping Out Blame: What Can Leaders And Managers DO? (Part 2 of 2) Note: In Part 1, we talked about how important it is to move away from a blaming culture, which is prevalent…

man holding telephone screaming

Kill Blame In Your Organization, Switch To Problem-Solving Part 1

Conflict Management And Resolution Series: #1 Exorcise Blame In Your Company (Part 1) In this two part article, which is a part of our new series on managing and resolving conflict, we look at how leaders can move their organizations…

photo of bulb artwork

10 Ways To Modernize Performance Reviews & Performance Management

Despite all the technological innovations, and shifts in THINKING about employee performance, how to measure it, and how to evaluate it, performance management and appraisal still has both feet firmly planted in a manufacturing and production mindset. The problem is…

red Wrong Way signage on road

Ignoring The Law of Unintended Consequences — Common Managerial Mistakes Series

Even the most experienced managers, supervisors, or executives forget about the Law of Unintended Consequences, which says that for every change or action, there are both positive consequences (which, obviously the manager wants), and negative unintended consequences (which the manager doesn’t…