How To Contribute To Your Own Team’s Health – LearnByte Helpcard (PDF DOWNLOAD)


Use this guide to team behavior to develop your own team rules as a group process. Or simply use it to guide your own role in your team. Based on the idea of personal accountability and taking responsibility.



How To Contribute To Your Own Team’s Health Helpcard

Do you want to be part of a better team? It all starts with you!

Ask not what your team can do for you, but ask what you can do for your team, and team magic happens. No doubt you’ve heard the expression: “There’s no ‘I’ in team”, but that’s wrong. When it comes to building a better team, or helping your team succeed, the only way that works is for each team member to LOOK AT WHAT THEY, THEMSELVES can contribute. Start with “I”. How can “I” contribute more effectively? “What things do I need to stop doing that may get in the way of my teammates?”

If you wait to be part of a better team, chances are you’ll wait forever. If you are unhappy with how your team functions, then the only way it’s going to get better is for YOU to start being a better teammate.

You can create the team you want through your own behavior, even if you are not a “leader”. Be the teammate you want to have.

Remember that our own attitudes, words and actions are really the only things that are directly under our control. It’s not possible to improve teams by trying to force others to do things differently. How To Contribute To Your Own Team’s Health Helpcard is an excellent starting point to:

  • Reassess how you, personally, can be a super-contributor to your team’s success.
  • Begin the process of discussing how a team can apply the techniques on this card — ideal if each team members has a copy of the card (our licensing program allows you to save up to 75% on multiple copies.
  • Help other teams develop more effectively, if you are a team leader, manager or human resources professional.


How To Contribute To Your Own Team’s Health Helpcard provides twenty four critical tips on how each person can contribute optimally to the productivity and effectiveness of the team. In addition it contains ten characteristics of effective teams.

Ideal for individual team-members, team leaders and those involved in team building..

What’s included?

  • Ten characteristics of effective teams
  • How YOU can contribute
  • Creating blame avoidance
  • Taking on personal responsibility
  • Communication for effective teams
  • Handling workload issues
  • Constructive behavior in meetings
  • Client relations issues.

Group leaders, managers, supervisors: Get a copy for each of the members of your team or department. Use them to create team guidelines and norms. Also a great take-away for team building activities.

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