Category: Teaching, Learning and Training

Photo Of Woman Tutoring Young Boy

Both Parents And Teachers Make These Five Mistakes When Talking To Each Other

…and it’s the kids that suffer When CNN ran a series of articles about what parents want to say to teachers, and what teachers want to say to parents, thousands of comments ensued, many of them aggressive, and attacking —…

business, performance, values

A Simple Reality Based Method For Defining Personal and Corporate Values

Both Ends Exercise To Nail Down Meaning Of Specific Values Editor’s Note: In part I of this series we discussed the importance of congruency between espoused and enacted values and beliefs, and the problems that arise as the gap between…

woman in gray sweater holding white and yellow sticky notes

Teachers Who Make A Difference: The Gift That Lasts A Lifetime!

Some forty years ago, I learned that the Battle of Hastings was fought in 1066. I have to admit that I’ve never been called upon to use that information, any more than I’ve been called upon to recite the various…