Category: Power of Language
Understanding Your Communication INTENT vs. the Communication MEANING
Learning More About The Power of Language For more on interpersonal and business communication (including social media) visit the Communication Resource Center If there’s a best jumping off point for learning about the power of language, and fine tuning how…
The Three Boorish Buckets Of Social Media Comments — Are You A Social Media Boor?
Feedback To Dumb As Rocks People We’re all familiar with the boorish communicators that often frequent cocktail parties or networking events. Blessed with apparent gregariousness coupled with a complete disregard for the interests and concerns of the people they talk…
Free: Imperfect Phrases 31-40 and What To Replace Them With
Here are the next imperfect phrases from my book. I’m Not The Only One, Everyone Thinks That… (Passive aggressive technique to pressure another person isn’t likely to endear you to anyone). It’s All In Your Mind (A terrible thing to…
Free: Imperfect Phrases 21-30 and What To Replace Them With
Here are ten phrases you should never use in any kind of relationship at home or in the workplace, if you value the other person. These words are documented as being harmful because they are patronizing, passive aggressive, or otherwise…
Free: 11-20 Imperfect Phrases And How To Replace Them
Here is the next ten “imperfect phrases” you need to eliminate/replace so as to reduce the chances of instigating or continuing a destructive conversation of argument. Are you starting to see a trend here? Notice that there are 3 clear…
Free: Ten “Imperfect Phrases” That Cause Anger – Book Excerpt
The first ten things you should never say to someone you care about In the book ImPerfect Phrases For Relationships: 101 COMMON Things You Should Never Say To Someone Important To You… And What To Say Instead we list 101…